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Connect your Woocommerce shop with the HoneyBadger.IT platform and enjoy many features to better manage your company. Included features are custom order statuses, custom PDF attachments, email templates, product variant images, manage your suppliers, create supplier orders, create WC orders and many other features.

Use username: demo@honeybadger.it and password: D3m0HoneyB:123 for demo account

Download the HoneyBadger.IT plugin



WC Order Statuses

Create new Order statuses for a better management of your orders.


WC Email Templates

Edit the Woocommerce order statuses email templates including the newly created for custom order statuses.


Custom Email Templates

Create new email templates to send to your customers from the order page.


Custom Attachments

Create PDF attachments including Invoices to be sent with WC Emails, Custom Emails or just to print.


Split WC Orders

Splitting orders is useful when an order has too many items to be sent and more deliveries are required.


Combine WC Orders

Multiple orders can be combined into one order if they were previously split or a customer made multiple orders which could have been just one.


User Permissions

You can add new users that can manage the system and set permissions for different sections and actions of the system.


WC Orders

Manage your Woocommerce Orders by viewing, editing and creating them.


WC Products

Manage your Woocommerce Products including product variant extra images.



Create subproducts and link them with your products, in example AA Bateries to be sent with your products.



Create suppliers and link them with your products and subproducts.


Supplier Orders

Create supplier orders for your products and subproducts.